Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8 of Martha Stewart's 28 Day Detox

Day 8, Monday: Gradually Add Gluten

Reintroduce Wheat (If You Want)

This week, you'll continue your detox while gradually adding back in certain foods from the restricted list. Today, reintroduce wheat and gluten -- but do it slowly. Pay close attention to how you feel right after eating it and hours later.

"Some common symptoms associated with wheat and gluten sensitivity include pain and bloating, diarrhea, even headache," says naturopathic physician Brooke Kalanick. If you feel great without wheat, feel free to keep it out for the duration of the plan -- or for as long as you'd like!

Here is her link entitled Food Allergy and Intolerance Guide
Read More About Common Food Sensitivities

Gradually Reintroduce Foods

Throughout the week, you can also add back in dairy (on Thursday), soy (on Saturday), and coffee (on Sunday), as well as eggs, peanut products, and corn (at your discretion). When you reintroduce a food, note how you feel immediately and hours later. Watch for symptoms like stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, headache, and congestion -- even difficulty focusing or an increased heart rate, Kalanick says.

Use this much smaller list as your what-to-skip guidelines for Week 2:

+ Added sugar
+ Processed foods/beverages
+ Alcohol
+ Fruit juices (a splash is fine, but don't guzzle OJ -- the sugars add up.)

Ease into Meditation

Try a simple breathing meditation right after you wake up. "Sitting comfortably, with your eyes half-open in a soft gaze, exhale for a count of 4 and then inhale for a count of 2," suggests mind-body expert Kate Hanley, author of "The Anywhere, Anytime Chill Guide." "Elongating the exhale can be incredibly calming."

Read More About Meditation for Beginners

Say No to Multitasking

Focusing on just one to-do list item at a time helps control your stress and boosts your productivity. To stave off distractions, shut off your cell phone and (if possible) disconnect from the Internet while you're plugging away at a particular task.

Today's Meal Plan

Stick with the five to six smaller meals a day from last week, or switch to a more traditional eating schedule -- your choice. But don't skip meals or let hunger run you off the rails. Your menu choices for Week 2 are a bit broader as you reintroduce certain foods throughout the week.

Today's Recipe
Serve Moroccan Steamed Salmon with Quinoa and Carrots.

Get the Steamed Salmon Recipe

Today's Fitness Rx

Focus on core and arm strength this week, while increasing your cardio. "Try to hold the poses a little longer each day for greater stability and strength," says fitness pro Ellen Barrett.

Today, go once through the Core Series, and begin your transition from walking to running: Try to walk for ten minutes and jog for five, or start out in any interval that's comfortable for you.

Get the Core Series Moves

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